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16 posts tagged with "apidocumentation"

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· 2 min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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Programmers are already lazy enough. Typing extra text is not their thing. Less code with more benefits!

Programmers are aesthetes. The code must be lovely. Beautiful code is inexplicable and must be experienced.

We are programmers. And have done everything we could to make the JSight language concise and beautiful. And finally, it looks like we’ve got it!

For example, see what a simple API on JSight looks like:


GET /cats/{id}
"id" : 123, // {min: 0}
"name" : "Tom"

Any programmer, without requiring any explanation, will immediately and unmistakably understand what this API is about. Nothing superfluous! Every word, every letter has an important and precise sense.

Compare the same API on OpenAPI (Swagger):

openapi: 3.0.3
title: ""
version: ""
- name: id
in: path
required: true
schema: {}
description: ""
type: object
required: [id, name]
type: integer
minimum: 0
example: 123
type: string
example: "Tom"

Doesn't this code seem redundant, to put it mildly?

We’re not criticizing OpenAPI. We’ve previously used it a lot and truly love it. But the world is moving forward and outdated technologies have to give way to new ones. It's time to move on to JSight, which is both concise and beautiful.

You can try out the JSight language right now:!

Learn more about JSight in a quick tutorial and in the official specification.

· 2 min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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We plan to release a new version of JSight Online Editor by the end of May 2022. Among other minor improvements, there will be two new important features:

  1. Smart syntax highlighting, which will allow you to write code in JSight even faster.
  2. Sharing API documentation using a link.

Sharing documents via a link will provide our users with three fantastic benefits:

  1. Quickly share and discuss an API description with a colleague. You simply need to follow three steps: describe the API, copy the URL, and send the link to a colleague in a chat.
  2. Store API documentation in the editor's cloud. Do not forget to save a permanent link to the document in someplace safe.
  3. View the entire history of document modifications. The unique version number in the link itself updates whenever the API documentation changes. For example, if the URL to the first version of the API was, the link to the following version would be (only the last digit changes). So you can always revert to any previous version of the API by simply decreasing the version number in the link.

Thank you for your attention! Along with you, we are also looking forward to the release and your feedback on the new features.

· 2 min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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We have a good tradition of matching upcoming releases in line with the wishes of our clients. One more case: at the request of our clients, we took up the task of developing support for JSON-RPC 2.0 standard.

Let’s reveal a little mystery. We intended the JSight language to be designed not only for REST API documentation, but also for support of other popular data exchange methods (JSON-RPC, gRPC, Kafka, RabbitMQ, WebSocket, etc.).

We are beginning with JSON-RPC 2.0 since:

  1. JSON-RPC 2.0 is a very popular standard that is frequently chosen by developers when RPC architecture is preferable to REST.
  2. It is a very simple standard that could quickly be supported by our team.

At the moment, we have prepared amendments to the JSight language specification and designed the user interface. In the next few days, we will begin development.

Code example describing JSON-RPC methods:


URL /api/rpc
Protocol json-rpc-2.0

Method createCat // Create a cat.
"cat": @cat
"id": 1 // Cat’s id.

Method getCat // // Get a cat by its id.
"id": 1 // Cat’s id.

TYPE @cat
"id": 1,
"name": "Tom"

The code is really simple and clear, isn’t it?

Design example:


We plan to release JSON-RPC support by the end of June 2022.

Enjoy JSight Online Editor, follow the news, and share your ideas to!

· 2 min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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Hi everybody! We have a new release of JSight Online Editor 3.0! The official release page may be found here: JSight Online Editor 3.0 Release Notes.

There are two cool features in this version:

Firstly, “Preview” and “Export” buttons are added. By using these buttons, you can see the final API documentation design and, if you like it, download it in HTML format.

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Secondly, we have added macros support into the JSight language. And it's really very cool! JSight now looks like a true programming language (programmers will understand us). With the directive MACRO, you may now declare a macro, and with the directive PASTE, you may paste this macro anywhere in your API an unlimited number of times. Macros are useful, for instance, for quick attachment of standard responses to each resource in case of an error. As an example:

GET /cats

200 [@cat]
PASTE @commonErrors

GET /dogs

200 [@dog]
PASTE @commonErrors

MACRO @commonErrors
400 any
401 any
405 any
500 any

You can read more about the directives MACRO and PASTE in the JSight language specification:

We have also improved the UX in some places and fixed a few minor bugs.

We plan to release the next version of JSight Online Editor 4.0 by the end of May. The main innovation of this version will be the “Share” button. With this button, you will be able to save documentation in the cloud and share it with colleagues just by sending them a unique link to the document.

We also hope to add JSON-RPC support to the JSight language in the near future.

· 2 min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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Many of you have requested that API documentation be shared in the JSight Online Editor via a unique URL. That was already in our plans, but considering your request, we decided to address this task earlier. The backend is complete, as well as the requirements specification for the frontend. Right now, we are creating its design. We plan to complete this feature by the end of April 2022.

We considered various UI options, and finally we liked the sharing option made by the guys at (a service for working with regex).

The advantages of this solution:

  1. All URLs are permanent. The contents of a unique link never change. This saves us from having to deal with a lot of complexity in the user interface.
  2. If you need to change the code in the URL, you can simply create a new version of that URL. For example, you received a link Once you make edits into the code and save the new version, the new URL turns into (note that the version number at the end of the link is changed). The following version will include the number 3: , and so on.

This method is very convenient. Just by looking at the URL, you will understand the version number of your API, and you can always check what was in previous versions just by decrementing the URL version number.

Enjoy JSight Online Editor and share your ideas with us. Your feedback is important to us!

· 2 min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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We’re starting a series of posts about the key features of the JSight language, which set it apart from all other API description languages and make describing API easier and faster.

Today, we’ll discuss the main feature, which we refer to as “Example as a schema”.

Any API description language describes data schemas in one way or another. For example, WSDL uses XSD to describe data, Blueprint API uses JSON Schema, and OpenAPI uses Schema Object.

The JSight API language uses the JSight Schema language to describe data. The JSight Schema approach, on the other hand, is fundamentally different from any other method of describing schemas. Now we'll tell you about this difference.

In 2020, Swagger interviewed over 3,000 IT specialists, asking them to name the top 5 most important things they seek in API documentation. What do you think the most popular ones were among the respondents? 70% of the respondents answered that they need EXAMPLES.

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Unlike all other languages, the JSight Schema language primarily focuses on sample data. And this is completely justified. Programmers love examples! After all, most of the time, just looking at the example is enough to figure out what the data structure is.

In the JSight Schema language, the data example is already a data schema. For example, here is the simplest schema for you:

"id": 123,
"name": "Tom"

It is obvious from this schema that the data must be an object with an “id” property of type integer and a “name” property of type string. And if you need to add additional requirements to the schema that are not obvious from the sample data, then these requirements can be placed in a small JSON in the comments to the property:

"id": 123, // {min: 1}
"name": "Tom"

In the given diagram, it is added that the value of the “id" property must be greater than or equal to one.

For comparison, a similar schema in the OpenAPI language will look like this:

 type: object
required: [id, name]
type: integer
minimum: 1
example: 123
type: string
example: "Tom"

Do you notice any differences?

On JSight, the schema is simpler, shorter and more appealing to the eye.

You can learn more about JSight Schema in our tutorial and in language specification.