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JSight Online Editor Release Notes

Release 6.0

May 15, 2024

New Features

  • JSight to OpenAPI converter.


  • Minor bug fixes.

Quality Assurance Report

Automatic testing:
Total tests run:6197
Out of which, successful tests:6197
Failed tests:0
Manual testing:
Total conducted test cases:458
Critical bugs found:0

Release 5.0

October 21, 2022


  • JSON-RPC 2.0 support.


  • Minor bug fixes.

Quality Assurance Report

Automatic testing:
Total tests run:6015
Out of which, successful tests:6015
Failed tests:0
Manual testing:
Total conducted test cases:354
Critical bugs found:0

Release 4.1

June 16, 2022


  • Minor bug fixes.

Quality Assurance Report

Automatic testing:
Total tests run:5381
Out of which, successful tests:5381
Failed tests:0
Manual testing:
Total conducted test cases:331
Critical bugs found:0

Release 4.0

June 14, 2022


Share API documentation via a unique link:Improved syntax highlighting:
Share API documentation via a unique link
Improved syntax highlighting


  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Quality Assurance Report

Automatic testing:
Total tests run:5381
Out of which, successful tests:5381
Failed tests:0
Manual testing:
Total conducted test cases:330
Critical bugs found:0

Release 3.0

April 28, 2022


New directives MACRO and PASTE:HTML Export and Preview:
New directives MACRO and PASTE
HTML Export and Preview


  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Release 2.0

February 16, 2022.


  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Release 1.0

February 8, 2022.

The first Release.