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2 posts tagged with "golang"

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· One min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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Today, we are releasing a new version of JSight Validator PHP Extension 1.0.1.

This is a PHP extension, which validates all your API requests and responses against your API specification, written with JSight API language.

More details about the product: JSight Validator.

The official release page may be found here: JSight Validator PHP Extension 1.0.1 Release Notes.

· 2 min read
Konstantin Malyshev

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Today, we are releasing a new product: JSight Validator.

This is a library that is designed to validate all incoming and outgoing API messages for compliance with the API specification written in the JSight API language.

It works as follows:

  1. Describe your API in JSight API language and store the resulting API specification in the Git repository of your service.
  2. Integrate JSight Validator into your service code (see manual).

Now all API calls will be validated by the JSight Validator against the API specification! This will provide you with the following benefits:

  • You can always be certain that the implementation of the API is 100% compliant with the specification.
  • You can trust the API specification as it accurately reflects the real API.
  • You don't have to write the validation code of input messages.
  • You don't have to write automated tests to check how the API responds to faulty messages.

For example, in PHP, HTTP request validation might look like this:

$error = jsight_validate_http_request(`my-api-spec.jst`, $method, $uri, $headers, $body);

if( $error ) return jsight_serialize_error('json', $error);

More details about the product: JSight Validator.